About Us.. ; )

This is the 2012 roadtrip for The Huggers(Sjur, Denny and their dog Fofa), from Tromsø in Norway to Aveiro in Portugal, in a VW Beetle 1300 from 1969 and a Sprite 400 from 1970. ;)(Go to 'September' , 2012, in the 'Archive')
And now we also share little pieces of our life after that trip.. ;)
We will hit the road again soon, from Portugal to Norway in our 'Little Beetle'.. :P

Saturday, September 22, 2012


: )


  1. Hei:)Gøy å følge med turen dokkers.Masse fine bilda.Bra at bilen går bra!God tur videre.Kjør forsiktig.Kate.

  2. Så hyggelig at du liker vår reisedagbok:) Tusen takk igjen Kate for alt du har gjort for oss. Stooooor klem fra oss! Nå begynner det snart å bli så varmt at vi kanskje må ty til ølboks-trikset ditt...;)
